Contact us

Call when you are ready to book.


01773 404 063

3, Alfreton, DE55 6E

0115 784 3456

109 Vernon House, Nottingham, NG1 6DQ
South Yorkshire

0114 433 3063

Alison Crescent Sheffield, S2 1AS
Live elsewhere?

01773 404 063

Give Paul a call and we can discuss travelling further-afield

Make an appointment for putting my dog or cat to sleep

Contact Paul when you have made your decision.
Open times: Monday to Friday 8-30 to 6-00. Contact at other times may not be answered until the next working day.

Calling us by phone is the most reliable way to contact us.

Please do not text to the landline numbers (BT-Text) as we are unable to answer them.

How much notice do we need?

Call when you are ready to make an appointment whether it’s next week or this morning.

We'll make every effort to help but we are unable to guarantee availability.

But please note that the more notice you give us, the more likely we can visit exactly when you want.


Please note we now collect a non-refundable deposit which confirms the the appointment. If you choose to cancel or re-arrange then you will lose this deposit. Please see our Terms &Conditions for further details.

Quietus Vet is not an emergency service. If your pet is in trouble and needs immediate attention please contact your local vet for advice immediately.